CEA is an oncofetal antigen, a glycoprotein that
is usually produced only during fetal life and is not present in the healthy
adult blood. It is associated with certain malignancies, particularly
epithelial tumors. It is a very non-specific tumour marker.
Normal values:
Normal values:
Non-smokers: 0–3 ng/mL [μg/L]
Smokers: 0-5 ng/mL [μg/L]
Elevated levels in:
1) Adenocarcinoma of colon cancer (72%) (right
side of colon>left side),
2) Pancreatic cancer (91%),
3) Lung cancer (76%),
4) Stomach
cancer (61%),
5) Breast cancer,
6) Cancer of ovary,
7) Cholangiocarcinoma,
8) Gall bladder cancer.
Other non-neoplastic conditions include:
1) Cigarette smokers,
2) Benign liver
disease (acute 50% and chronic 90%),
3) Benign GI disease (peptic ulcer,
pancreatitis, colitis,cholecystitis).
Elevations >20 ng/mL are generally associated with
malignancy and metastasis.
The test is not sensitive or specific enough to be
useful in cancer screening.
Monitoring after surgery:
It is better used as an indicator for monitoring treatment e.g. to follow progression
of colon cancer after surgery (elevated CEA levels suggest recurrence 3–6
months before other clinical indicators).
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