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Showing posts with the label Dermatology

Calcinosis cutis

Skin - structure

The skin is sometimes called the cutaneous membrane or the integument. It has 2 regions notably the epidermis and the dermis. The hypodermis is a subcutaneous tissue and is found between the dermis and any underlying structure like muscles.  Epidermis It is the outer and thinner layer of the skin.  It is made up of stratified squamous epithelium divided into several layers; the deepest layer is the stratum basale, and the most superficial layer is the stratum corneum. The deepest layer is constantly producing new cells and pushing them to the surface. The stratum corneum, on the other hand, gets keratinised to form a waterproof layer and also acts as a mechanical barrier.  Dermis It is a thicker and denser region than the epidermis. It is composed of dense and irregular connective tissues. Its upper layer has structures called as dermal papillae that project into the epidermis to cause ridges. These form unique patterns and give the characteristic fingerpri...

Dermatology - common terms

Macule: A flat, colored lesion, <2 cm in diameter, not raised above the surface of the surrounding skin. Patch: A large (>2 cm) flat lesion with a color different from the surrounding skin. This differs from a macule only in size. Papule:  A small, solid lesion, <0.5 cm in diameter, raised above the surface of the surrounding skin and hence palpable Nodule: A larger (0.5–5.0 cm), firm lesion raised above the surface of the surrounding skin. This differs from a papule only in size Tumor: A solid, raised growth >5 cm in diameter. Plaque: A large (>1 cm), flat-topped, raised lesion; edges may either be distinct (e.g., in psoriasis) or gradually blend with surrounding skin (e.g., in eczematous dermatitis). Vesicle:  A small, fluid-filled lesion, <0.5 cm in diameter, raised above the plane of surrounding skin. Fluid is often visible, and the lesions are translucent Pustule:  A vesicle filled with leukocytes. The presence of pustules d...