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Showing posts from December, 2012

Intensity training

Whether you are using the threadmill, the elliptical, the rowing machine or the stationary bike for your indoor workout, it is always better to start with around 5 minutes of warm up. Traditionally people go on the threadmill at a constant speed for around 30-45 minutes. In the first few days it will help you lose some weight but eventually no. The best way of losing weight is to do intensity training. This means doing intense activity for a short time and then continue at a lower pace and repeat this over. The best machine should have a built-in heart monitor and a digital watch. Calculate your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220. Max Heart rate= 220-age (in years) For women it is better to use this formula: Max heart rate=206-0.88 age (in years) 1) After warming up, start at 80-90% of your max heart rate for 1 minute. 2) Then, recover for 2 minutes at 50-60% of your max heart rate. 3) These 3 minutes make 1 interval. Do 8 intervals in all. For beginn...

Sardines healthier than swordfish

It is healthier to eat small, oily fish like sardines, herring and anchovies than larger predators like swordfish or king mackerel. Recent studies found that the level of mercury in the sardines was much lower and as we move up the food chain, there is more mercury concentrated in the fishes. So, it is better to get the omega 3 from the smaller fishes.

COPD - History and physical findings

History: The three most common symptoms in COPD are 1) cough, 2) sputum production and 3) exertional dyspnea. Many patients will have the above named symptoms for months or years. They will seek medical attention only when there will be an episode of acute exacerbation. However, a careful history usually reveals the presence of symptoms prior to the acute exacerbation. Exertional dyspnea is often described as 1) increased effort to breathe, 2) heaviness, 3) air hunger or 4) gasping. The dyspnea is more when the patient does activities involving significant arm work, particularly at or above shoulder level. Conversely, activities that allow the patient to brace the arms and use accessory muscles of respiration are better tolerated.e.g. pushing a shopping cart, walking on a treadmill or pushing a wheelchair. As COPD advances, the principal feature is worsening dyspnea on exertion with increasing intrusion on the ability to perform vocational or avocational activities. In ...