Sick sinus syndrome is a term applied to a syndrome
encompassing a number of sinus nodal abnormalities, including the following:
(1) Persistent spontaneous sinus bradycardia not caused
by drugs and inappropriate for the physiologic circumstance
(2) Sinus arrest or exit block i.e. no P wave on ECG for
> 2 s.
(3) Combinations of SA and AV conduction disturbances and
(4) Alternation of paroxysms of rapid regular or
irregular atrial tachyarrhythmias and periods of slow atrial and ventricular
rates (bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome).
More than one of these conditions can be recorded in the
same patient on different occasions, and their mechanisms often can be shown to
be causally interrelated and combined with an abnormal state of AV conduction
or automaticity.
3 in every 10,000 persons are affected. Incidence
increases with age, seen more after 65 years of age. Men and women are equally
Patients who have sinus node disease can be categorized
as having intrinsic sinus node disease unrelated to autonomic abnormalities or
combinations of intrinsic and autonomic abnormalities. Symptomatic patients
with sinus pauses or SA exit block frequently show abnormal responses on
electrophysiologic testing and can have a relatively high incidence of atrial
In children, sinus node dysfunction most commonly occurs
in those with congenital or acquired heart disease, particularly after
corrective cardiac surgery. Sick sinus syndrome can occur in the absence of
other cardiac abnormalities. The course of the disease is frequently
intermittent and unpredictable because it is influenced by the severity of the
underlying heart disease. Excessive physical training can heighten vagal tone
and produce syncope related to sinus bradycardia or AV conduction abnormalities
in otherwise normal individuals.
The anatomic basis of sick sinus syndrome can involve
total or subtotal destruction of the sinus node,
areas of nodal-atrial discontinuity,
inflammatory or degenerative changes in the
nerves and ganglia surrounding the node, and
pathologic changes in the atrial wall.
Fibrosis and fatty infiltration occur, and the
sclerodegenerative processes generally involve the sinus node and the AV node
or the bundle of His and its branches or distal subdivisions.
Occlusion of the sinus node artery may be
Fainting, near fainting, light-headedness
Fatigue and weakness
Chest pain
Diagnosis can be confirmed by doing a Holter monitoring
for at least 24 hours.
For patients with sick sinus syndrome, treatment depends
on the basic rhythm problem but generally involves permanent pacemaker implantation
when symptoms are manifested. Pacing for the bradycardia, combined with drug
therapy to treat the tachycardia, is required in those with
bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome. The latter also are at greatest risk to
develop stroke.
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