Each muscle fibre is closely surrounded by connective tissue. This acts as a support for the muscle fibres and unites them to each other. 1) Each muscle fibres is surrounded by delicate connective tissue that is called the endomysium . 2) Individual fasciculi are enclosed by a stronger sheath of connective tissue called the perimysium . 3) The entire muscle is surrounded by connective tissue called the epimysium . This is illustrated by the schematic diagram below. 1= perimysium, 2= endomysium, 3= fasciculus. At the junction of a muscle with a tendon, the fibres of the endomysium, the perimysium and the epimysium become continuous with the fibres of the tendon. First published on: 27 December 2016
it would be nice to have a post on clinical features of acute LVF