Studies showed that a 2-day course of dexamethasone is as effective as a 5-day course of prednisolone in the treatment of mild to moderate asthma. Both drugs have the same bioavailability (fraction of an administered dose of unchanged drug that reaches the systemic circulation) but the half life of prednisolone varies between 8-24 hr while that of dexamethasone ranges between 32-72 hr.
DEFINITION Hypokalemia is defined as a serum potassium level of less than 3.5 mmol/L. Normal level= 3.5-5.5 mmol/L. It is encountered in >20% of patients. Patients are usually asymptomatic but severe arrhythmias and rhabdomyolysis can occur. Non-specific complaints include easy fatiguability and skeletal muscle weakness. The preferred method of replacement is via the oral route but at times this is not possible. The article below will give you an idea about how to calculate the amount of KCl to be given I.V. 1) Potassium deficit in mmol is calculated as given below: K deficit (mmol) = (K normal lower limit - K measured ) x kg body weight x 0.4 2) Daily potassium requirement is around 1 mmol/Kg body weight. 3) 13.4 mmol of potassium found in 1 g KCl . ( molecular weight KCl = 39.1 + 35.5 = 74.6) Suppose we get an asymptomatic patient of 70 Kg with a serum potassium level of 3.0 mmol/L and he is on nil by mouth but having...
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