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Courvoisier's law

QJGXPY3W4EAW It states that in a case of painless jaundiced patient, if the gall bladder is palpable, stone pathology is ruled out. This is because stone formation is a long standing process and this leads to fibrosis. A fibrotic gall bladder is not usually palpable. The causes are more likely to be a ca of pancreas, ca of ampulla of Vater or a cholangiocarcinoma.

Hesselbach's triangle

 IMPORTANCE  A direct hernia passes through the Hesselbach's triangle while an indirect one passes lateral to it. This area is the weakest because the abdominal here consists only of the transversalis fascia covered by the external oblique aponeurosis.  BOUNDARIES  As shown by the figure below: Inferiorly : Inguinal ligament Laterally : Inferior epigastric artery Medially : Lateral border of rectus abdominis.  HOW TO DO THE TEST?  To confirm this we can do a ring occlusion test whereby the deep inguinal ring is occluded at 1.25cm above the midpoint of the inguinal ligament after reducing the hernia. Now we can ask the patient to cough or stand up. If the hernia is seen even though the deep ring is occluded it means that the hernia is of the direct type. First published on : 4 May 2010 Last reviewed on : 2 May 2020

Apgar scoring - table, mnemonic

 INTRODUCTION  The  Apgar score  was devised in 1952 by Dr Virginia Apgar (anesthesiologist) as a simple and repeatable method to quickly and summarily assess the health of newborn children immediately after birth.  This helps to identify those requiring resuscitation and can also be used to predict survival in the neonatal period.   MNEMONIC  A mnemonic for learning purposes includes: A - Appearance (skin colour) P - Pulse (heart rate) G - Grimace (reflex irritability) A - Activity (muscle tone) R - Respiration  Another mnemonic is also useful:  How -   Heart rate Ready - Respiration Is -        Irritability This -    Tone Child -   Colour Apgar scoring is divided into 1 and 5-min scores.  1-MIN SCORE    Sixty seconds after complete birth, the five parameters specified in the table above must be evaluated and scored. A total score of 10 indicates that the baby is in the best possible condition. A score between 0-3 me

How much you know?? :-)

This is the very first post of our website. Below are just a few words that we heard at medical school, during our internships and residency programs. It is not intended to offend any of our colleagues. We, ourselves, have a few physicians, surgeons and a psychiatrist in our medicinehack team. First published on : 4 May 2010 Last reviewed on: 12 September 2015